Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Don't Give Up.

Let me start out by saying, thank you! Granted, I only started this blog two days ago, but I am so grateful for everyone who views my blog. Why you might ask? Because you all are supporting me and everyone who has the same experience, whether you think you are or not. I am amazed at the amount of private messages I have received from ladies informing me of having the same diagnosis. It is helping me to accept the diagnosis and the struggle even more. 

Is 2016 the year? Maybe... I thought 2015 was, and 2014, and 2013, and 2012... I am not ready to accept "giving up." Everyone just tells me to stop worrying and to not think about trying to get pregnant. WHAT?! Who says that to someone whose mind is set on having the perfect little family? Let me just tell you, it's not that easy! Nor do I wish it was easy. As a little girl carrying around a baby doll, I always wished of having a child. It was one of the first conversations Bill and I had when we started dating. Having a child is so important to me, so before you start asking questions, stop, it's not a conversation you want to have with just anyone, even if you think you really know the person. Just so you know, I am happy for any woman who is pregnant. I'm okay with hearing your wonderful news. I just hope and pray that some day I will achieve the same. 

Infertility effects 1 in 7 couples. The most common cause of infertility is polycystic ovarian syndrome. I regret waiting over 4 years to meet with an infertility doctor, but I am also very thankful for physicians who specialize in infertility as they are the experts to provide a plan for us. I encourage every woman to have regular gynecology appointments and ask questions!  

So I've received the paperwork from the infertility nurse, status post the consultation from the doctor. It's all becoming so surreal. And the testing begins... for Bill and I! He's thrilled, let me tell you! At least his is just blood work since he's already been through the traumatic part of his testing, months ago. He's such a great support system through this entire process. I've read so many blogs by women going through the same, and have read that their spouse is not supportive. Ladies, if your spouse is not supportive of this process, stop! You can't go through this without the person you need the most. This obviously isn't something to do alone. 

Words of wisdom...

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